Scotland opposes Trident, and the Scottish First Minister
has signed up to support a global ban on nuclear
weapons. Unfortunately she doesn’t have the powers to
enable Scotland to join the 121 countries who have signed
the Humanitarian Pledge to enter negotiations to fill the
legal gap needed to prohibit and eliminate nuclear
Scottish people can still get involved, and work here to
add all nuclear bombs to the list of outlawed weapons, like
chemical and biological warfare. Australian Thomas Nash
has experience and expertise (he was instrumental in the
land mine and cluster bombs ban) for the task. On
Saturday, he’ll be in Scotland offering insights and
opportunities to be part of the campaign to abolish
nuclear weapons at this year’s Scottish CND Annual
Conference. He will be joined there by Scottish MSP and
anti-Trident campaigner Brendan O Hara.
This will be a chance to get answers to questions and
no doubt collect relevant information. Long-standing
CNDers and newbies are all needed to scrap Trident and
ban all nukes.
SCND Annual Conference Saturday 7 November 2015 in St Columba’s
by the Castle Church, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW.
Registration from 10.30 am. Meeting starts 11 am. Close 4 pm.
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